Where is Dead Island 2?
Where is Dead Island 2?

where is Dead Island 2?

As I was playing through the last section, I already knew the game was going to leave me hanging as even the better stories had no resolution in sight, with once-promising antagonists that dissipated like hot air.

where is Dead Island 2?

It’s textbook zombie apocalypse stuff as Dead Island 2 has a predictable story that only started to get interesting in the latter parts of the campaign. You’ll get bitten, notice that he/she is immune to the disease, and go on a journey through “Hell-A” to find a way to get out of the city alive. The six playable characters flee the city via the same airplane, but of course, there’s an infected on board, and the plane crashes and burns with only a handful of people surviving the crash, including your chosen character. Citizens are fending for themselves, finding any way to get out of the city.

where is Dead Island 2?

Dead Island 2 takes place in Los Angeles, years after the events of the first game, and the zombie outbreak is in full swing as it can no longer be contained.

Where is Dead Island 2?