Diablo 4 lilith wallpaper hd
Diablo 4 lilith wallpaper hd

diablo 4 lilith wallpaper hd diablo 4 lilith wallpaper hd

It was his hope that his volume would preserve his knowledge for all time, and pass it down to those who will inherit the fight against the Prime Evils. As one of the last members, Lorath compiled a tome of Sanctuary's most powerful relics and the stories behind them. Lorath remained a member of the Horadrim, even as the order's numbers dwindled. He discovered something within the artifact that caused him to reflect that everything he thought he knew about human history was now, at best, uncertain. Kanai's Cube Īt some point, Lorath looked at Kanai's Cube. Lorath remained behind to help the survivors in Westmarch as the Nephalem and Tyrael departed to face Malthael directly. After Urzael's defeat he accompanied the Nephalem on their hunt for Adria to ensure they did not kill the witch before learning Malthael's location from her.Īfter the Nephalem killed Adria, Lorath was able to glean Malthael's location from Adria's scrying, discovering that he was in Pandemonium. He assisted Tyrael in aiding Westmarch's people in the Survivor's Enclave while the Nephalem dealt with the Reapers. His attempt to take them to Tyrael was rejected however as they wished to save who they could, instead agreeing to meet within the city. Eventually he found the Nephalem on the outskirts of Westmarch. Unlike many of its denizens, he survived the encounters with the creatures, and documented both their behavior and perceived origin. Lorath encountered Malthael's Reaper forces as they laid waste to Westmarch. When Malthael appeared to steal the soulstone and killed Lorath's comrades, Tyrael ordered him to flee and find the Nephalem who had defeated Diablo previously, which he obeyed as the former angel held off the Angel of Death long enough for Lorath to escape. Lorath was present when the Horadrim attempted to seal the Black Soulstone under Tyrael's direction in the Tomb of Rakkis.

diablo 4 lilith wallpaper hd

Tyrael and Lorath (see right) face down Malthael Lorath reflects on his encounter with Malthael ( src)

Diablo 4 lilith wallpaper hd